Archive for sustainable transport

Railway workers promote rail’s role as safe, sustainable transport

Railway workers promote rail’s role as safe, sustainable transport

This item is also available through the following other ITF sites: ITF Americas, ITF Arab World.

Rail workers around the world will back rail as a vital, sustainable transport resource tomorrow April 13th during an ITF Railway Workers’ International Action Day.

As part of the campaign by workers and their unions for a global future for rail, they will stage activities worldwide. Updates, posters and campaign materials for the international action day can be seen and downloaded at, with full roundups of activities by country appearing on the 13th and beyond. For the European events please see and .

Mac Urata, ITF Inland Transport Section Secretary, commented: “Railways are vital national and international resources – now more than ever given their environmental advantages. Yet, their survival and their status as a safe and user-friendly transport mode is under threat from privatisation, deregulation and under-investment. Only determined lobbying and promotion of their benefits and importance can protect their future. This event is part of that campaign, a time when trade unionists in particular can defend railways and railway safety for all those who work and travel on them.”

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