Plea in court against late-running trains

New Delhi: Indian Railways face a legal case for running trains late and putting passengers into trouble.
Ramnath Garg, a Delhi resident, has filed a public interest petition in the Delhi High Court who has pointed out that trains running late by several hours put passengers in trouble as they go without food and water for protracted periods of time.

Citing Section 15 of the Railways Act, 1989, under which the authority is bound to provide basic amenities during a railway journey when trains are delayed by more than two hours, the petitioner has sought directions to the central government to arrange for day-to-day requirements such as food and water for the passengers.

Garg, through his counsel Sugriv Dubey, said in his petition that people had to suffer and lost their purpose of visit because trains do not run timely.

“The trains are not organised for timely running due to the negligence of the employees and the major reason is that if the trains are late then concerned employees get extra benefits of their extra duty,” the petitioner alleged.

Highlighting the agony faced by the senior citizens and children,the petitioner said that it had become a routine for the railway to delay the trains without assigning any reason to the passengers.

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