All India Jail Bharo Satyagraha – 5.3.2010

All India Jail Bharo Satyagraha – 5.3.2010

All the Central Trade Unions, including Hind Mazdoor Sabha, jointly launched Jail Bharo Satyagraha throughout the country on 5.3.2010 against unprecedented price rise, violation of Labour Laws, disinvestment of profit making Public Sector Undertakings, job loss and failure for creation of a National Welfare Fund for Agricultural and Unorganized Workers. Lakhs of workers participated in the Satyagraha in all state capitals, industrial towns and in the district Headquarters. Affiliates of AIRF also participated in it. Com. Umraomal Purohit, General Secretary, Hind Mazdoor Sabha and President AIRF, in his address expressed deep anguish at the steep rise in taxation leading to increase in prices of petroleum products and also reduction in subsidy for Urea and other fertilizers. He also criticized the inaction on the part of government to check violation of labour laws. He congratulated the workers for making Jail Bharo and Satyagraha a great success and called upon them to be ready for next phase of action.

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